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Case Studies

Foundation of Light, Sunderland

Matthew Harrod

Objective: To advise on, supply and install a range of equipment for the Beacon of Light. This project was to install a large array of sports equipment across five floors of Northumberland’s iconic Beacon of Light centre. The Beacon of Light is Sunderland’s most innovative sports and education facility and the first of its kind…

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Equal Playing Field (EPF) Mount Kilimanjaro world record attempt

Matthew Harrod

Objective: To design and manufacture a pair of 24×8 goals that were light and highly portable for Equal Playing Field (EPF) initiative In 2017 MH Goals were approached by Equal Playing Field (EPF) to support them in their world record attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and play the highest altitude game of football ever. The…

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Chelsea FC Academy Indoor Arena

Matthew Harrod

Objective: Manufacture, deliver and install Football goals, team shelters, soccer arena with netting, and spectator stands. After successfully supplying Chelsea’s stadium at Stamford Bridge with new stadium and training goals, MH Goals was asked to supply a range of equipment for the their new indoor arena. The arena is part of Chelsea’s impressive Cobham training…

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Manchester University

Matthew Harrod

Objective: Manufacture, deliver and install Football, Hockey and Rugby goals along with bespoke floodlight pads and pitch accessories.   In late 2016 Manchester University embarked on the largest ever Football Foundation funded project. The Fallowfield campus site had four new synthetic turf pitches — two hockey, one football and one rugby pitch — with MH…

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