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MH Goals and the Beacon of Light

Matthew Harrod

MH Goals has won the contract to supply the sports equipment for Sunderland’s flagship new sports and education facility – the Beacon of Light.

Beacon of Light lay out

The Beacon of Light, due to open its doors to the public in the summer, is a five storey multi-functional sports, health and education centre which includes a multi-use sports hall and six outdoor football pitches. It also features the impressive football barn, an arena on the top floor which measures 60 x 60m, comfortably providing space for 2 five a side pitches.

Now the building work is in its final stages, we will be supplying a full range of freestanding and self-weighted 5 a side, mini soccer, 9v9 and futsal goals along with many badminton and netball posts.

While the venue is state of the art, it’s designed as a facility for the whole community to use – as Jamie Wright, Assistant Director of Sales and Delivery at Beacon of Light says, “It’s not an elite environment, the Beacon is for everybody, but the facilities are elite.”


Image taken from

Matthew Harrod
Sales Director