There’s excitement in the air at the MH Goals Head Office.
Partly because there’s a month of cup finals coming up, but mainly because we’ve just received delivery of our new catalogue.
This year’s edition is the biggest ever, with the number of pages easily going past the century mark. We’ve added a section for our pioneering Revolution goals, and you’ll also discover our new Pro Rugby goalposts and the Premium Team Shelter, an exciting new entry in our excellent range of team shelters.
There are over 70 pages of football goals and pitch accessories, and sections for athletics, cricket, tennis, rugby, badminton, basketball and more. You’ll find our famous Pressure Jet Line Markers in there, and a range of hockey goals and equipment which is being added to the FIH quality programme over the next few months. It’s an easy way to browse all our products and find exactly what you want for your ground or school.
To get your free copy call us on 01502 711298 or put in a request via email and we’ll send it out to you as soon as possible