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Goalpost Safety – Tried and Tested

Matthew Harrod

Every goal produced by MH Goals conforms to BSEN16579, making them even safer for everyone who uses them, from Premier League to Sunday league.

MH Goals is run by Mark Harrod, the UK’s only recognised independent expert on goalpost safety, design and manufacturing, so the safety of the products we manufacture is, and always has been, paramount.

This is why every product we make conforms to the latest safety standards – and why for the last three years we have been busy testing and improving our goals to conform to BSEN16579, the newest safety standard which came into effect in 2018 and which all goals made in the UK must conform to.

BSEN16579 has brought with it a number of significant changes to how all goals should be tested and manufactured. Greater attention is paid to shear points, and the dangers of finger, limb and head entrapment. Goals must now pass a more stringent tip test, greater force is applied to the goal frames in the strength tests, and there is now a new category for mediumweight goals which must pass their own set of requirements.

Goalpost safety testing for BSEN16579We carry out two levels of testing on our goals, firstly in-house throughout the design and prototype stage, then at Labosport, the Football Foundation’s preferred test laboratory. This process of check and double check means you can buy goals from MH Goals with complete confidence in their safety and quality.

In all, dozens of tests are carried out on our goals before a safety certificate is issued. These are performed using a range of specialised equipment, including a set of probes and a high-grade steel rig which can apply over 3,000 Newton metres of pressure. You can find out more about these tests here.

And while all MH Goals goalposts are BSEN16579 compliant, we’re not resting on our laurels. Safety standards are constantly evolving and we have recently completed extensive research on the stability of freestanding goals in conjunction with the British Standards Institution and the European Committee for Standardisation. This research has been discussed at the highest level in Europe at the annual CEN meeting in Berlin, and will now go forward to shape the next generation of goal design and safety testing, of which we will – of course – be at the forefront.

Matthew Harrod
Sales Director